Google Analytics Intro

The Google Analytics basic training is for beginners, for those who are encountering Google Analytics for the first time. A little basic digital marketing knowledge is a plus, but definitely not a must!

Who is it for?

Never heard of terms like attribution model or source/medium? No problem, together we will take a deepdive into Google Analytics so that by the end of the training you can find your way around Google Analytics and even set and track some goals through Google Tag Manager. This training is provided by our expert Quinten.

What will you learn?

Together, we’ll go through all of Google Analytics, walk you through its structure, explain how to create Google Analytics yourself, and tell you what metrics might be important to your business. In addition, we are already introducing you to the wonderful world of Google Analytics 4, which will become the norm starting this year, and also give a brief introduction to Google Tag Manager to complete the picture.

Stay up to date on all digital trends, tips & tricks and more.

That way, you’ll always stay on top of the latest digital trends and developments, and then be able to use them yourself!

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