SEO Audits & Implementation

This course is designed for those who already have some experience in the world of SEO and are ready for the next level.

Who is it for?

So a basic understanding of SEO is highly recommended, things like backlinks, crawlability and keyword tracking should be obvious concepts by now.

What is it?

To move to the next level, you will be taught how to perform an existing SEO analysis from scratch. This using various tools such as Hotjar and Google Optimise. During this process, we will go over all the steps of the analysis and eventually also learn where the potential pitfalls are and how to get around them. Furthermore, you will also be taught how to start recognizing and preventing potential problems.

At the end of the training you should be able to perform your own SEO analysis, recognize pitfalls and avoid them, solve them using various tools.

Stay up to date on all digital trends, tips & tricks and more.

That way, you’ll always stay on top of the latest digital trends and developments, and then be able to use them yourself!

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